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Pavel Putrov 1.2, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 1.1, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 2.1, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 2.2, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 3.2, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 4.1, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Pavel Putrov 2.3, Topological Quantum Field Theory, knots and BPS states (IAS | PCMI)
Topological Quantum Field ory and Categorification bachelor degree in education
String Math 2020, Day 1: Pavel Putrov
Max Zimet 1.2, What is Quantum Field Theory?
Some classical invariants of links and their higher-dimensional analogues
A brief review of some work on BPS states, wall-crossing, hyperkahler geometry... - Greg Moore